Text Box: PRICE FAMILY ORIGINS - Channel Islands in the 17th Century to Australia and on into the 21st Century. 

I have now been successful in tracing THE PRICE FAMILY back in the mid 1600’s with a Thomas Price. He originally came from Wales and he married Maria Baker, in Guernsey Channel Islands, in 1670, and their son, also called Thomas Price married Eliza Claire and their son another Thomas Price  married Martha Solbe and their son, once again called Thomas Price 1736-1807 who in turn married Suzanne Falaise.   
Our Kin Genealogicala Sketches, Pedigrees and Arms of Sundry Families - Compiled from Authentic Sources by William Collings Lukis de Guerin - Fellor of the Hugueonot Society of London - Printed by Frederick Clarke, States Arcade. 1890.

The next parcel of information is from other documentation in the Channel Islands and the England.

At the time of the  marriage of Thomas Price to Susanne Falaise, the Price Family were a very important, well established, merchant family in Guernsey locally but were not as high up in Society as the family of de Guerin, so the marriage of Frederick Price to Marguerite de Guerin, an heiress, in 1785, and the marriage of their second son, Matthew Guerin Price to Caroline, Countess Raphael, MAENZA  of Naples Italy, in about 1816, in Naples Italy, would have opened many doors in allowing this family, who were wealthy within their own rights, with excellent education, family connections, foresight and good business management, to be acceptable into the homes of the best society in both the Channel Islands and the mainland of the United Kingdom and also in overseas countries. 

Many of the sons of the Price, Guerin and de Guerin families  appear to have had their early educations at Elizabeth College, in the Channel Islands and when reading through the enrolments of Elizabeth College it is surprising how many of the families appear to be related.  It would be an interesting exercise one day to collate all of these families.

The daughters of the Price, Guerin and de Guerin families, I dare to say, were also well educated, but  within their own  home with a tutor engaged and then possibly their final year at one of the many girls seminary or finishing schools which flourished at the time in the United Kingdom  and on the Continent.

Thomas Price 1736-1807 who married Suzanne Falaise - had  six daughters and one son -  Suzanne Price  born 9 February 1760, she married Col. Thomas de Guérin, but we have no details of their descendants at this stage of my research.

Their last child born was a daughter, Martha Price 1766-1804 married the Rev. Nicholas Effard Robinson, and again, we have no details of their family.

Their only son Lt. Col. Frederick Price 1763-1846 who married in 1785 to Marguerite de Guérin the only child and heiress of Matthew de Guérin  and his wife Marguerite Ollivier of Le Mont, Durant, St.Peter Port, Guernsey Channel Islands.  They had 5 children so a little about the first 2 families of this union.

Frederick Price Jr. Colonel, RGM., 1786-1843.  Frederick was a member of the First or East Regiment of Militia in the Channel Islands and we have him listed as a Lieutenant on 18 March 1803, a Captain on 2 May 1806, A Major on 10 July 1820 and a Lt.Col. on 8 June 1821 and a Colonel on 7 February 1826. Definitely a career soldier. He was married to Maria Martha Vardon and they had 14 children.

I have only a few of their children listed and researched as follows: 

1a. Bonamy Price born Guernsey 22 May 1807. Professor Bonamy Price was at Rugby  where  his brothers Henry Price, Kennett Price and Frederick Octavius Price were students.

From ‘The Meteor’,  February 7th 1888.
Professor Bonamy Price died at his residence in London on 8 January 1888 after a very distinguished career.  When 14 years old, he was sent from Guernsey as a private pupil to Rev. Charles Bradley, of High Wycombe, the father of the present Dean of Westminster.  He afterwards entered Worcester College, Oxford, and while resident of Oxford, was an occasional pupil of  Dr. Arnold, at Laleham.  In 1829 he obtained a double First Class in Classics and Mathematics, being the only Double First of his time.  He did not compete for a Fellowship at any college, but a few years ago was elected to an Honorary Fellowship at Worcester College.    

Dr. Arnold, at this time Headmaster of Rugby, had formed so high an opinion of Price, that he determined to have him among the under-masters, and consequently appointed him to the Mathematical Mastership in February, 1830.  Price, who had meantime built a house for the reception of boarders (held successfully by Rev. C. Evans; Rev.  C. B. Hutchinson; and Mr. Donkin) was appointed to a Classical Mastership and given charge of a division of the Fifth Form.  In 1838 he took the Twenty (which had then only existed for a few years), and remained master of it until he quitted Rugby in 1850, shortly after Dr. Taits appointed to the Deanery of Carlisle.

In 1868 he was elected to the Professorship of Political Economy at Oxford.  The other candidate was Mr. T. Harold Rogers, who had held the Chair for the proceeding five years, and had made himself highly unpopular with the Conservative majority of convocation by his extreme political opinions,  the result was a foregone conclusion, and Mr. Price was elected by a large majority.

He published several works on Political Economy, and of late years served on two Royal Commissions - The Duke of Richmond’s Commission on Agriculture, and Lord Iddesleigh’s on Depression in Trade and Commerce.

Mr. Price married, in 1834, Lydia Rose, the daughter of the Rev. Joseph Rose, Vicar of Rothley. 

We quote the following passages from the ‘Spectator’ of January 14 -  “In Professor Bonamy Price, Oxford and England have lost the greatest of Dr. Arnold’s Rugby Staff, and the one who has been most profoundly and effectually impressed by Dr. Arnold’s conceptions of the power and duty of a teacher.  In deed, we should think that while Arnold had perhaps the greater success in inspiring a deep sense of law and duty in those of his pupils who were a little deficient in susceptibility to the government of moral ideas. Bonamy Price must have surpassed even his chief in that great quality of a teacher, the capacity to exhilarate, as well as to awaken the intelligence of his pupil.  “Of all the teachers who are in the highest degree impressive and stimulating to their pupils, while they remain their pupil., there is, we suspect, hardly one in ten who remain equally impressive and stimulating to them after they cease to be his pupils, and come back to him on a basis of social equality - so few are there who can throw off the didactic attitude of mind, and assume that of genuine sympathy and comradeship.  But Bonamy Price had that power in the fullest degree.

And yet the character of his intellect was not of a kind, to take pleasure in vague, appreciation.  No man knew better exactly what he meant, or was sharper to detect the shallowness of empty generalities or pretentious mysticism.

Like all Dr. Arnold’s friends and followers, Bonamy Price had the deepest possible interest in politics, and was, indeed, quite as much of a political as of a moral teacher.  Like Socrates, he read in the State the virtues of the individual character writ large, and taught his pupils to see them as he did.

At Oxford his loss will be, and, indeed, has already been, severely felt.  Latterly his academic influence was thrown into what may be properly called, for want of a less political phrase, the Conservative side.  And since he never lost his hold over the Statesmen of the day (even Mr. Gladstone in his bantering criticism of Professor Bonamy Price’s view of the Irish Land Question in 1881, indicated the hearty respect he felt for the Economist whose judgement he rejected), his influence at Oxford was always counted for a good deal even with his opponents, all the more because, as a layman and a Broad Churchman, that influence was never ascribed to sacerdotal prepossessions.  Indeed, few of our great teachers have exerted a stronger influence than he in both widening and purifying the sphere of English liberty, and in deepening the sense, of that moral responsibility whereby liberty gains in dignity and influence, much more than it loses by the restraints to which it voluntarily submits.”

1b.  Kennett Price 1815-1867 was a pupil at Rugby and in his 20’s migrated to New South Wales in Australia, where he married Mary M. Lang and had seven children.
1c.  Martha Price married Arthur Hardy in South Australia, Arthur was a colleague of her brother Henry Price.  Nothing is know about Edward  Price 1828-1860 and another brother Frederick Octavius Price 1830-1847 died at school at Rugby.
1d.  Henry Price who was born in Guernsey Channel Islands in 1819 was a pioneer of the Pt Lincoln area of South Australia.  For anyone interested in the story of Henry Price it would be advisable to purchase a copy of the book:  The Henry Price Diary: Being the Story of Henry Price and Isabella Young, Pioneers in the Port Lincoln Area of South Australia 1849-1853. Ed. J. Casanova, 1997.
Grandma! Where did I come from?Book 1
Text Box: SPERO – “I Hope”
Text Box: {Right] Most of the male PRICE and de GUERIN offspring in the Channel Islands attended this college for their education.

Elizabeth College was founded in 1563 under the orders of Queen Elizabeth I
Text Box: [Below] The original crest for the PRICE FAMILY in WALES from which Thomas PRICE bc 1645 in Wales.  came to the Channel Islands and founded our PRICE LINE.  He was possibly a 'remittance man' and arrived with a Tutor/Companion during the  1660’s.
Text Box: [Above] William Pierre PRICE 19 October 1778-1824 who married Jane JANVRIN in the Channel Islands and they are the parents of Rosa PRICE 1817-1886 b Channel Islands.  William Pierre PRICE 1778-1824 is the first cousin seven times removed to Scott James PRICE, Matthew John PRICE and Amber Grace PRICE.

[Above right]  Rosa PRICE who was born in the Channel Islands 1817-1886 she married Major Charles LUNGERSHAUSEN 1806-1883 in Prussia.  Rosa PRICE is the second cousin to Matthew Guerin PRICE 1787-1847 and the second cousin six times removed to Scott James PRICE, Matthew John PRICE and Amber Grace PRICE.
Text Box: [Left] Lieutenant General Carl-Hans LUNGERSHAUSEN b 1896 was at the Battle of Alamein ww2 — 90th Light Tank Division.  He was under the command of Erwin Johannes Eugen ROMMEL 1891-1944 popularly known as the Desert Fox.  Co-incidentally my father Laurence John DIBBLE [photo previous page] was also at Alamein and he was with the artillery and fought for Australia with the allies.  Rosa PRICE [photo above] was the great grand-mother of Lieutenant General Carl-Hans LUNGERSHAUSEN b 1896, and the 2nd cousin 6 times removed to Scott James PRICE, Matthew John PRICE and Amber Grace PRICE. Scott, Matthew and Amber are the grand-children of Veronica Maude Bates and John Malcolm Bates.  
Scott James PRICE, Matthew John PRICE and Amber Grace PRICE are the 5th cousin 3 times removed to Lieutenant General Carl-Hans LUNGERSHAUSEN b 1896 [photo left]. We are all related by DNA or marriage.

Rommel was considered one of the best Commanders in the German Army and was respected by the Allied Forces for his treatment of any allied prisoners of war.