Text Box: DARNELL Margaret  1767-1834  First Fleet Prisoner  1788

Margaret Darnell went into the shop of an ironmonger and cutter in Holborn near Chancery Lane, ostensibly to buy nails.  The owner was suspicious.   “She does not want anything”, and his man ran after her, pulling her cloak off, which she left behind as she ran.

The man found her with twelve dessert knives and forks, and she was sentenced to seven years transportation at the Old Bailey on 18 April 1787, just in time to be sent to Portsmouth on the 30 April 1787 for embarkation on Prince of Wales.

At Port Jackson she is listed in some records as Margaret Darling and Margaret Dowling.  Margaret bore a son Charles by Private Marine Charles Green on 22 December 1788.

The child went with her when she went to Norfolk Island on 4 March 1790 by “Sirius“.  

In June 1794 she was living with Owen Cavanough, and her son Charles Green was also still in the care of his mother,   The firstborn child of Owen and Margaret, arrived on 28 May 1792,  but unfortunately, he died on 2 June 1794.  Other children born to the couple included Grace b 1795 from which our line descends, Elizabeth b 1797, Owen b 1799, Richard b 1802, James b 1804, and George b 1807.

In September 1794  Charles Green evidently made an attempt to get his son from Margaret but was told the child could stay with her until he was 7 years of age, and Green apparently did not persist further to claim his son.

Margaret and Cavanough left Norfolk Island for Port Jackson.  (see biography on Owen Cavanough 1762-1841)
Margaret Cavanough died on 24 September 1834 and was buried with her husband in the churchyard of St Thomas’ Church of England, Sackville Reach NSW.
Text Box: Ship: “Prince of Wales”  in full sail leaving Portsmouth. Painting by Phil Belbin.
Text Box: John Malcolm Bates (My husband) is the fifth Great Grandson of Owen Cavanough and Margaret Darnell.  First Fleeters to Australia
Text Box: MARGARET DARNELL  7 year Prisoner off ‘Prince of Wales’ wife of 
OWEN CAVANOUGH. Sailor off Sirius.  
with the  
FIRST FLEET    Book 3 
Text Box: A Cockatiel
Text Box: A flock of Galahs
Text Box: Left:

Jessica Maree BATES

Malcolm Whitworth BATES

Natalie June BATES nee OATES

Rebecca Jane SOLOMON  nee BATES
[husband Luke Alan Solomon]
Text Box: Our son Malcolm Whitworth BATES is the 6th Great Grand-son of Owen CAVANOUGH, a sailor off ‘SIRIUS’ and his wife Margaret DARNELL a 7 year prisoner off ’PRINCE OF WALES’ from ‘THE FIRST FLEET’ to Australia in 1788.  
His daughters are the 7th Great Grand-daughters of Owen and Margeret CAVANOUGH.