Text Box: [Above right] Templemore Abbey
[Above Left]: Carden Family    Shield:
The father of Maria Carden ABBOT,  was Nicholas CARDEN
1737-1815 he was born at Templemore Abbey [above right].
Text Box: Maria Carden Abbot arrived in the Port Phillip District of the Colony of New South Wales on board the sailing ship ‘Branken Moor’, on the 3rd December 1841. Maria Carden Abbot is the second great grand mother of Veronica Maude BATES nee DIBBLE  and Robert James Claremont DIBBLE.

Maria was 19  years of age when she sailed for Australia by herself.  One must wonder why Maria had the need to leave her home, family and security to come such a long way to make a new life for herself in a country so far from her native Ireland.  I have been unable to find any information of the Abbot line.

Maria had been born into a family of the Landed Gentry of Ireland.  Her great-uncle was * Sir Henry Carden 1792-1847 the head of the Carden Family in Ireland when Maria left for Australia, and her grand-father was Nicholas Carden Esq.,  deceased, who was born at Templemore Abbey.

Maria herself was born at ‘Jockey Hall’ Barnane her family home,  and was about half a mile south of  Templemore, and on maps of the area the Jockey Hall site was surrounded by a 30 acre area of land. Jockey Hall was part of Barnane Castle environs.

Maria’s mother, Elizabeth and her father William Abbot were probably ostracised by members of the other Carden Families, who all lived in and around the area of Templemore, Co. Tipperary, Ireland.  Maria was a Catholic and  her Catholic religion would have been intolerable and unacceptable to them, as the families of Carden did not appear to recognise a Catholic marriage as legitimate.  (It is unknown when this family took on the Catholic faith, it could possibly have been with either her parents or her grand-grandparents).

There is a lot of guess work in trying to piece together the reasons  why Maria Carden Abbot made the decision to leave Ireland.  Around that time Carden families were resident in Tipperary and Barnane but there were many money problems on the Estates  Perhaps at a later date more information will come to light that will answer some of the questions that must be left unanswered at the present time.  It is very hard to find information in Ireland during this period because of the destruction of so many Government Documentation and records held by the Churches in this area. There had been many years of  fighting between the English and the Irish, of whom the Carden Family were the unwelcome interlopers in Ireland from the mid 1600’s.
Text Box: The Shamrock, [above] a three-leafed plant similar to a clover, which is an unofficial symbol of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Shamrocks are said to bring good luck and also used as a badge for sports teams, state organizations, and troops abroad from Ireland. This flower is related to an Irish tale of St. Patrick, which tells of how Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a Shamrock.
Grandma! Where did I come from? 
CARDEN to Australia 
Text Box: Sir Thomas Cawarden 1526-1559
Knighted by Henry V111.
Appointed by Queen Elizabeth as Controller of the Tower of London. Maria Carden Abbot is his 7th great great grand-niece.
Veronica Maude BATES nee DIBBLE is the 11th great grand-niece 
of Sir Thomas Cawarden 1526-1559. [Photos at bottom of page].
Maria Carden ABBOT is the 2nd Great grand-mother of Veronica Maude BATES nee DIBBLE.  Nicholas CARDEN Esq was the 4th Great grand-father of Veronica Maude BATES nee DIBBLE:
[Photo left] BARNANE CASTLE, Tipperary, Ireland, where Nicholas CARDEN died.
Text Box: Grandma! Where did I come from? © 1986
Text Box: [Left] John King CARDEN  1885 –  1963
Royal Engineers and Grenadier Guards from December 1914 to end of war in France, twice sent home wounded and returned to the Front. He is the 4th cousin 4 times removed of Rebecca Jane SOLOMON nee BATES, Jessica Maree BATES, Joshua Wayne BAUER, Amy Louise BAUER, Scott James PRICE, Matthew John PRICE and Amber Grace PRICE..

[Centre] Lionel Gillette CARDEN 1899-1971
LGC inherited the remains of the Barnane entailed estate in 1949. He is the 4th cousin 4 times removed to Rebecca Jane SOLOMON nee BATES, Jessica Maree BATES, Joshua Wayne BAUER, Amy Louise BAUER, Scott James PRICE, Matthew John PRICE and Amber Grace PRICE..

[Right] John Rutter CARDEN 1811-1886 2nd cousin 6 times removed to Rebecca Jane SOLOMON nee BATES, Jessica Maree BATES, Joshua Wayne BAUER, Amy Louise BAUER, Scott James PRICE, Matthew John PRICE and Amber Grace PRICE.

Dec 5, 1948
THE NEWS, "New York's picture Newspaper" 
220 East 42nd St 
New York, NY. According to the story, which originated in Dublin, a Mr. Lionel Gillette Carden of San Leandro, California was to be declared heir to an estate in Ireland, valued at $250,000, if no other heir was found by December 21, 1948. The property in question was that of a Mr. John Rutter Carden of Tipperary,, and the branch of the family involved was that of the Cardens of Barnane. The heir is a nephew.
Toward the end of the last century,, Lionel Berkely Carden came to the States, and married. A son, James Hamilton Carden., was born at La Crosse, Wisconsin. Lionel and his wife, the mother of James, were divorced and both remarried. The former Mrs. Carden lost trace of her son, and it is that James Carden, if living, or his issue, if any., who would be the heir to the money. If James was not found, it followed that Lionel would inherit the estate.
There have been no subsequent reports on the case.
The above is according to Mr. E. B. Brother of The News Information Bureau in 1959. 
Text Box: [Left] Veronica Maude DIBBLE at aged 15 years and a photo of Veronica BATES nee DIBBLE taken at aged about 65 years.
Text Box: Maria arrived on the Branken Moor Ship on 17 March 1840. We were able to trace her family purely by this newspaper article.
NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: Melbourne Victoria.
MCDONALD on the 24th September, at Carlton. Maria, relict of John McDonald late Elizabeth Street, grand-daughter of Nicholas Carden esq., of Jockey Hall, Templemore Ireland, grand-niece of Sir Henry Carden, cousin of Dr. Foresight, late of this city: arrived in this city, December 1841, in the Branken Moor, mother of Mrs. Barrett, Mrs Dibble and E. McDonald, aged 76. R.I.P.
*  By my calculations -  Sir. Henry Carden is the 3rd cousin 5 times removed to Veronica Maude BATES nee DIBBLE.  Marie Carden ABBOTT daughter of Nicholas CARDEN is the 3rd Cousin once removed to Sir Henry CARDEN.  Nicholas Carden married an Elizabeth Unknown was she a CARDEN? Also related to Sir Henry Carden.