Text Box: Jean de GUERIN.  Seigneur de Teule, de la Chaize.

Official documents and family papers prove that almost immediately after the death of Jean de Guérin, Seigneur de Teule, in 1681, his widow Sylvie de Gordiges, his son Armand, Seigneur de La Chaize, together with his wife and children. all became converts to the Roman Catholic Church, rather than risk by flight, escape from their terrible persecutors; upon taking this step they were allowed to reside on their respective estates comparatively unmolested, but it would appear that Daniel, then under age, declined to follow the course adopted by the rest of his family, and that his mother, under the influence of the priests, obtained "une lettre de cachel" for the purpose of placing him in a monastery, as was the custom when the parents had abjured.  

He escaped his fate through the faithfulness of his father's valet, who, meeting the party of dragoons sent to arrest him at the Chateau de Teule told them that Daniel had gone to some close by town (probably to Clairac).  Thereupon the soldiers started off in search of him.  The old man then hastened to inform his young master of his danger, and led him to a place of concealment in a distant part of the estate.  The dragoons, not finding him, returned and searched the château and grounds in every direction, but without avail.

Night came on, old Jean went to the spot where Daniel was concealed, provided him with a suit of clothes to disguise him as a shepherd, and supplied him with money.  Daniel made his escape over the Pyrenees, worked his way through Spain and Portugal, and after much suffering and privation, reached Lisbon in a state of destitution.  He hastened to the quay, where, whilst speaking to the sailors belonging to a vessel flying the English ensign, he was accosted by Mr. Peter Martin, of Guernsey, who perceiving in spite of his condition, that he was a gentleman, kindly took him to his house, fed and clothed him during his stay, and gave him a passage in the vessel to Guernsey, also a letter of recommendation to Messrs. Carey, of the Brasserie, in whose office he remained several years.  

On his arrival in Guernsey, Daniel de Guérin was admitted to the Sacraments of the Protestant Church.  He afterwards became acquainted with the family of Charles Bacon, Seigneur de St. Martin near Falaise, Normandy, who with his wife and their children, Francois, Marie and Elizabeth, were likewise seeking refuge in the Island.  The similarity of their misfortunes created a bond of sympathy and friendship, which resulted in a matrimonial alliance between Daniel and Marie.

There can be no doubt that Daniel de Guérin regarded his sojourn in the island as of only a temporary character.  We have undeniable proof that he re-visited France in the year 1699.  This visit may have been in connection with Messrs. Carey, in whose employ he was, or it may have been to obtain assistance from his nephew to start a business on his own account, which he did about this time, or it was perhaps for the purpose of looking after his interests in his share of his father's property.  But whatever the object, the interview he then had with his nephew was of a clandestine character, for he did not, as would have been natural, visit his old home, but his nephew met him at the small inn in the village of St Laurent du Bois, a few leagues from Bordeaux, and they transacted their business.  

Among other matters the Uncle executed a Power of Attorney dated 19th November 1699, authorizing his nephew Jean Pierre de Guérin, Seigneur de La Chaize, to act for and represent him in any proceedings necessary for the confirmation of the nobility of their family.  This deed, which is still preserved in the Archives de Families at Bordeaux, was witnessed by Jean Blaveres, host of the inn, and by Jean Duvignon, a labourer, both called in for the purpose.
De GUÉRIN Daniel.
This branch of the family, including the de Guérins of Devonshire, late of Upton Hellions Manor, have resumed the prefix "de" for so many generations borne by their ancestors in France.
Arms. - 1 and 4 - Argent, a Lion rampant, sable, rongued armed, and crowned gules, (for de Guérin)
2.-Amure, a Knight in complete armour, on horseback at full speed, with sword drawn and visor raised, all argent, shield on left arm or, saddle gules (for de Franc.)
            3.-Gules, a chevron ermine between three phoens, or, (for Arnold.)
(Continued next page)
Text Box: de GUÉRIN FAMILY  
Grandma! Where did I come from? Book 1 
Text Box: At this time, I think the appearance of this house, Egyptian Lodge, was inspired by the revival of interest in ancient Egypt throughout Europe after Napoleon's campaign of 1798.   This unusual example of Regency architecture in St. Helier was built by the Rev. Cornelius TRAVELLER.  
The façade of the house is based on that of a typical ancient Egyptian temple, a place of heathen pagan worship! Why would a Methodist Minister wish to be associated with this design! The wickedness of the Egyptians is frequently referred to in the Old Testament accounts of the lives of Joseph and Moses.  The Jersey Archive informed us that the comment was made by the Chronique de Jersey (but I do not know the actual wording) why the Reverend Traveller would chose this style is a mystery.
There must have been money from somewhere.  RT offered Egyptian Lodge for sale in 1839 together with other properties nearby, numbers 1, 2 and 3 Portland Place and Midvale Lodge and eight building plots.  Elizabeth Traveller sold Egyptian Lodge for £369, 4s and 71/2d and it came with Garden and land.  I don't know how much the other properties and land sold for or when.  The date of the sale of Egyptian Lodge was in January 1842. It would seem the family was selling up to move on.  Perhaps RT had already left the island by 1842.  Our records suggest he next appears in June 1853.  I am hoping the Jersey Archive will look at two local history booklets about the chapels where RT was ministering, Sion and St. Aubin.  I hope there will be references to RT in them and perhaps something about his character and interest may be forthcoming too. 
[RT refers to Rev Cornelius Traveller].
Text Box: 2 Photos are views of EGYPTIAN LODGE owned and built by 
Rev. Cornelius TRAVELLER.
Text Box: [Far left]  The town of St. Peter Port is built on hills and this is a look at some steps leading up one of the hills. One of these narrow pathways was named Constitution Way, and if you were to climb it, it would certainly challenge your constitution. 
[Left] Castle Cornet fronts St. Peter Port's harbor, and this ancient and historic castle is an imposing site. This is a slice of one of the outside walls.
Text Box: The families of de GUERIN, PRICE and TRAVELLER are all connected.  They are in my book Grandma!  Where did I come from?       
Book 1.