Text Box: Adventurers, Pioneers, Clergy and the Military.
The Genes, Biographies and Stories in our 
Family History - BOOK 8 
Companion book to: 
Grandma! Where did I come from?  Books 1,2,3,4,5

Religion has always played its part in the overall fabric of families from earliest time.  The trend in these earlier times was for the eldest son to inherit the family lands and fortune and subsequent sons went into the armed services (Military) of their country or into the Religious life.  The more adventurous, whilst in their early twenties, and those with a pioneering spirit left their homelands where they were born and spent a few years travelling to different parts of the world. Many forged great careers and overcame many hardships in these new frontiers. They settled down, prospered and raised families. So many of the people in our families are ordinary people. I'm not writing out of a sense of enormous pride in an outstanding family, as most led extremely staid lives.  So many in our family have almost become lost to the world in general, and my direct family had no knowledge of a large number of them at all when I first started researching the family histories. It's become a delight for me to put them all into one place, to have them available to my children, my direct relations and the many cousins and the descendants that follow.  Most of my own cousins were lost up until I started researching. Through this long investigation and the following stories I have come into contact with 'lost' families not only in Australia, but also in England, Channel Islands, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, America, New Zealand and Germany. This has become a truly worthy enterprise! 

Our family was very interesting in that once I started searching I was able to trace a lot of information on so many of the ancestors.  A large number went into Holy Orders, including the Church of England, Catholic Church and even the more obscure New Church in Great Britain, who worshipped at The Swedenborgean chapels around the country and for these reasons alone their lives have been reasonable well documented.    Many too, entered into the Military of which I have found a lot of information and of course we had our share of Pioneers and Adventurers who travelled far and wide to settle the new lands.  I have been researching family history for nearly 40 years and it never ceases to amaze me the number of times I come across strange fact and figures that in the overall picture seem to mean very little but when these facts are all placed together they show another side to family history that goes un-noticed.  I decided that it was worthwhile doing a breakdown and recording the following facts and stories together into this book form which will include the names and details of many families and individuals with either a blood relationship or an association by marriage.  Of course, more details and complete genealogy of these individuals is to be found in my family history books in the Grandma! Where did I come from? Series – Books 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. (see detailed list at front of this book.) 

I am hoping that by putting this information down on paper in this fashion, it will be interesting to read by the  future generations that follow.  Sadly I will not be able to list everyone as so many were untraceable, there are many who died in wars and lie in unknown graves in far off lands and they have sadly faded from remembrance until I found some of them as the children connected to our family tree.  One of the reasons for writing this book is that in our family we will remember those who died in wars in those far off lands and that if travelling overseas we can visit graves and memorials that may perhaps contain our ancestors or even for others who have no one to mourn their passing.   In this way they are not forgotten by future generations that follow.  It will also help us remember those early settlers who ventured forth with both faith and courage to settle new lands.  Many women in our family also showed immense courage and fortitude and are a great inspiration to the women in our families who follow in their footsteps.
I hope future generations will enjoy the stories as they unfold.
Veronica Maude BATES nee DIBBLE 
Text Box: Published 2005
Text Box: [Left]  Herbert Murray BURGE
(1862-1925 ) Bishop of Southwark 1911-1918.  Bishop of Oxford 1919-1924.
Educated at Bedford School, Marlboroug and University College, Oxford, his first post after graduation was as a Schoolmaster at Wellington College after which he was Fellow and Dean of his old college. After this he was Headmaster of Repton from 1900 to 1901 and then Winchester from 1901 to 1911 before his elevation to the Episcopate as Bishop of Southwark in 1911. Translated to Oxford in 1919 and appointed Clerk of the Closet, he was later also a Sub-Prelate of the Order of St John of Jerusalem and Chancellor of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. He was also a keen cricketer.
Text Box: [Above right] Cardinal, Sir Norman Thomas GILROY. 1896-1977. was the first catholic native born Cardinal of Australia.

Norman Thomas Gilroy was the eldest of six children.  He went to Rome in 1919 and was Ordained in 1923 and returned to Sydney NSW after gaining his Doctorate of Divinity.
At the age of 39 years he was made Bishop of Port Augusta and in 1937 succeeded Archbishop Sheehan as Coadjutor Archbishop of Sydney, after the death of Archbishop Michael Kelly in 1940 he became the fifth Archbishop of Sydney.
In 1946 he was appointed to the College of Cardinals.
The Honour of Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (KBE) was conferred by Queen Elizabeth in 1969.
Text Box: Cardinal, Sir Norman Thomas GILROY [right above] is the first cousin three times removed to Scott James PRICE, Matthew John PRCE and Amber Grace PRICE.

Herbert Murray BURGE [left above]
(1862-1925 ) Bishop of Southwark 1911-1918.  Bishop of Oxford 1919-1924. is the first cousin four times removed to Scott James PRICE, Matthew John PRCE and Amber Grace PRICE.
Text Box: More photos of the brave young men who are relates/connected to the PRICE family history who were KIA.

[Left] The Hon. GERALD WILLIAM GRENFELL, 1890-1915 KIA 30/07/1915  Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 46 - 48 and 50  YPRES Menin Gate Memorial Ieper, West-Vlaanderen Belgium

And his brother 

[Right] The Hon. Julian Henry Francis GRENFELL, DSO 1888-1915 KIA 26/05/1915 
Grave/Memorial Reference: II. A. 18..

[Lower left] Captain FRANCIS OCTAVIUS GRENFELL V C  9th (Queen's Royal) Lancers KIA  24 May 1915 
Memorial Reference: II. B. 14  VLAMERTINGTHE MILITARY CEMETERY Ieper, West-Vlaanderen  BELGIUM  -  Twin brother to Captain Riversdale Nonus GRENFELL, 1880-1914.  KIA
and his twin brother
[Lower right] Captain Riversdale Nonus GRENFELL, 1880-1914.  KIA 14/09/1914  Grave Reference: 1. VENDRESSE CHURCHYARD, Aisne. France. Twin brother to Captain Francis Octavius GRENFELL VC. 
Text Box: There were 15 children - 9 sons and 6 daughters in this family of GRENFELL and they lost 4 of their sons in service of their country and they are buried on foreign soil.  Pascoe St Ledger GRENFELL was born 11 Jun 1861 died in 1896 in South Africa. Robert Septimus GRENFELL was born 16 Sep 1875 died in the OMDURMAN in the Sudan on 4 October 1898. Twins: Francis Octavius GRENFELL VC and Riversdale Nonus GRENFELL born 04 Sep 1880 both lost their lives during ww1. See below for relationships to the PRICE/de GUERIN FAMILIES, Through marriage.
Text Box: [Left] Flight Lieut. Richard (Algernon) Dacre TREVOR-ROPER DFC DFM 1915-1944 KIA.  Rear gunner with W/C Pilot GUY PENROSE GIBSON VC DSO and Bar, DFC and Bar in THE DAM BUSTERS.
Flight Lieut. Richard (Algernon) Dacre TREVOR-ROPER DFC DFM 1915-1944 KIA  his Grave/Memorial Reference: 6. H. 13. Cemetery: - DURNBACH WAR CEMETERY Locality: 
Bad Tolz, Bayern Germany.

THE DAME BUSTERS - Operation CHASTISE: the attack on the Moehne, Eder and Sorpe Dams by No. 617 Squadron RAF on the night of 16/17 May 1943. Surviving members of 617 Squadron (excluding those who had gone to bed) stand at the entrance of the Officers' Mess at Scampton, Lincolnshire,  after breakfasting on their return from the raid. They are (left to right ): Flight-Sergeant C T Anderson, Flight-Sergeant W C Townsend, Flight Lieutenant R E G Hutchison (front), Pilot Officer C L Howard (rear), Pilot Officer G Rice (front), Flight Lieutenant J C McCarthy (rear), Flight Lieutenant H B Martin (front), Flight Lieutenant H Wilson (behind Martin - did not take part in the operation due to illness in his crew); Flight Lieutenant J L Munro (rear), Wing Commander G P Gibson, Flight Lieutenant D J Shannon (front), Pilot Officer J Fort (rear), Flying Officer H S Hobday, Flying Officer J Buckley, Flight Lieutenant D J H Maltby, Flying Officer E C Johnson, Pilot Officer L G Knight, Pilot Officer T H Taerum, Pilot Officer F M Spafford, Flying Officer L Chambers and Flight Lieutenant R D Trevor-Roper.

[Left]  The 7 mentioned above taking off for their historic flight. They did all return safely from this mission but all died on other missions before the end of ww2.

Edward Carson PRICE is the second cousin once removed of F/Lt. Richard Dacre TREVOR-ROPER DFM DFC.
F/Lt. Richard Dacre TREVOR-ROPER DFM DFC is the first cousin twice removed of Caroline Fanny TREVOR-ROPER who married Rev. Edward Matthew PRICE. -  Matthew Guérin PRICE b 1787 in the Channel Islands and  Caroline, COUNTESS RAPHAEL (Raffaele) MAENZA who was  born about 1790 at Naples Italy are the grandparents of Rev Edward Matthew PRICE  and the fourth great grandparents of Scott James PRICE, Matthew John PRICE and Amber Grace PRICE.
Text Box: With more than 50 operations, Richard Trevor-Roper was probably the most experienced air gunner to take part in the Dams Raid, and was the Gunnery Leader. He was also the acknowledged leader of the squadron’s hellraisers, bringing to Scampton a reputation honed in many an earlier squadron mess.
Trevor-Roper was born on the Isle of Wight on 19 May 1915. After leaving Wellington College he spent two years in the Royal Artillery. At the outset of war he joined the RAF, and trained as a wireless operator/gunner.
In 1941, he had one complete tour in 50 Squadron, received a DFM, and was also commissioned. After an inter-tour break at a training unit, he went back to 50 Squadron and had almost completed another tour, flying mainly with Sqn Ldr Birch, when he was brought into 617 Squadron. Gibson obviously recognised Trevor-Roper as a soulmate, describing him in Enemy Coast Ahead as one of the ‘real squadron characters’, although noticing, in a thoughtful moment, that he was quiet on the flight out to the dams, perhaps because his wife was about to produce their first baby.
After the raid, for which he received the DFC, Trevor-Roper came into his own, leading the pack in the drunken escapades which followed, principally the excursion to London in June for the investiture and the dinner at the Hungaria restaurant that followed. Cards were played, hipflasks were produced, and trousers removed, not always voluntarily. The squadron adjutant, Harry Humphries, was a particular target, and various escapades are reported in his book, Living with Heroes. (The same stories appear again, in a more sanitised version, in Paul Brickhill’s The Dam Busters.)
Text Box: Rev. Algernon Sidney GRENFELL who married Marie Guerin PRICE  is the grand uncle of  Francis Octavius GRENFELL VC. Maria Guerin GRENFELL nee PRICE is the first cousin four times removed of Peter Richard PRICE [who married Vicki Louise PRICE nee BATES]. Francis Octavius GRENFELL VC is the first cousin once removed of Captain Hubert Henry GRENFELL earlier in this book.  Peter Richard PRICE who is married to Vicki Louise PRICE nee BATES is the second cousin three times removed of Captain Hubert Henry GRENFELL.